What I Learned
Last month's 10-day trip on the Holistic Holiday at Sea was exhilarating, inspiring, and somewhat exhausting! The best part was meeting the many knowledgeable and like-minded people--it was an expansive community of health! Here are my notes from some of the lectures.
Michael Klaper, M.D. His website has free videos on a range of subjects.
NOT a calcium deficiency, NOT a nutritional disease. Instead, largely a lifestyle disease of atrophy of bones brought on by lack of weight-bearing movement.
Standard Western diet generates acids and lacks essential nutrients, accelerating bone weakening (i.e. salt, carbonated drinks, stress, animal foods, alcohol, cigarettes, acid-blockers, excessive steroids or thyroid hormones).
Can be reversed. Bones are alive; have blood vessels. Osteoblasts create new bone. “Using your bones against gravity stimulates osteoblasts and makes bones stronger.” More use = bigger, stronger bones.
DEXA measures density NOT strength.
Weight-bearing movement and exercise vital. Ex: walking with weighted vests, yoga, resistance bands.
Vitamin D levels important:
Dr. Susan Brown website Better Bones
Vitamin D levels equal or greater than 60 ng/mL helps prevent bone loss -- and breast cancer (Lappe et al., 2007; McDonnell et al, 2016).
Kidneys retain water (fyi: cubic foot water = 62 lbs).
Can create edema in artery walls: “You’re as old as your arteries.”
Too much salt turns on genes that can promote autoimmune diseases.
Need only ¾ tsp. salt daily.
Salt substitutes: citrus, vinegars, spices & herbs.
Tip: cut saltiness of soy/tamari sauces by adding equal amount water.
Fat (subcutaneous) secretes estrogen.
Intra-abdominal fat fuels inflammation.
Carbohydrates provide “clean” fuel/energy. Whole carbohydrates-- 3% turn to fat, rest is burned by body.
All whole foods have some fat & sugar.
Easier for body to burn sugars, as opposed to fats.
Fat/oils slow down blood flow to organs.
Coconut oil = 85% saturated fat.
Few drops (i.e. 1 tsp.) flax or sesame oil okay if no coronary heart disease.
Salad dressing idea: put mixture of vegetables & fruits in high-speed blender.
Eating sugar as a food ages the body.
30 years ago, 1/11 women had breast cancer; today 1/8 women
Are we getting better (or, too good) at diagnosing??
Primary prevention is WFPB diet; secondary is mammogram.
2,000 mammograms = 1 life saved; 200 false alarms.
US Preventive Services Task Force recommends no prostate screening; biennial mammograms.
Dr. Weiss recommends his breast cancer patients eat daily:
flax seed (lignans) = 3 tbsp. daily
soy (genistein phytonutrient) = 1 c. soy milk or ½ cup soy beans
tomatoes (lycopene phytonutrient) = eat tomatoes w/ healthy fat, such as nuts or seeds (fat soluble vitamins)
mushrooms (aromatase inhibitors block estrogen) = 5 cooked button mushrooms (carcinogen in raw)
cruciferous veggies (isothiocyanates sulphane) = 8-16 raw cruciferous or 1½ cups broccoli sprouts; eat raw b/c biting releases beneficial cancer-fighting compounds, frozen not same.
beets (steamed) battle bad bile acids
David Blyweiss, M.D.
Chew food until smoothie-like consistency; count to 6 when chewing; chew before swallowing--need time for salivary glands to begin working.
Eat at least 3 hours before sleeping.
90% serotonin the brain uses is made in gut, thus food affects mood.
Gut Flora: friendly vs. unfriendly bacteria.
Heating foods above 115 degrees destroys enzymes for maximum absorption; he recommends 60-70% raw; 30% cooked.
Standard nutrition education operates on model of deficiency.
There’s no “perfect” diet, BUT what is best? Which one is nutritionally superior? It's a Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) diet.